Judge Mohamed Fuad bin Mohamed Saeed bin Al-Sayyid Saad Al-Din Al-Yafi
(1892 – 1936 AD)

He was born in Damascus in the Sarouja market neighborhood in 1892 AD. He studied the judiciary at Istanbul University then served in the Ottoman army in Jerusalem in 1916. He married the daughter of his cousin, Mrs. Fatima bint Rushdi Al Yafi.
He began his work as an investigative judge in Damascus in 1923 AD, then as a conciliation judge in the Qatana region in southern Syria, then as a judge in the Appeals Court in Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.

After that, he was appointed as a judge in the Appeals Court in Daraa. In 1933 he was appointed as a judge in the High Court of Appeal in Damascus and remained in his position until he died in his summer house and was buried in Qatana in 1936 AD. 

Judge Fuad Al-Yafi in the Court of Appeal in Damascus

He has three children: Mohamed Nihad, Mohamed Nazhat, and Ahmad Adnan

Fuad Al Yafi in his youth as an officer of the Ottoman army in 1916

The decision of the President of the State of Syria, Ahmed Nami, to appoint Judge Fuad Al-Yafi as President of the Commercial Court in Damascus in 1924

Judge Mohamed Fuad bin Mohamed Saeed bin Al-Sayyid Saad Al-Din Al-Yafi
(1892 – 1936 AD)

He was born in Damascus in the Sarouja market neighborhood in 1892 AD. He studied the judiciary at Istanbul University then served in the Ottoman army in Jerusalem in 1916. He married the daughter of his cousin, Mrs. Fatima bint Rushdi Al Yafi.
He began his work as an investigative judge in Damascus in 1923 AD, then as a conciliation judge in the Qatana region in southern Syria, then as a judge in the Appeals Court in Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.

After that, he was appointed as a judge in the Appeals Court in Daraa. In 1933 he was appointed as a judge in the High Court of Appeal in Damascus and remained in his position until he died in his summer house and was buried in Qatana in 1936 AD. 

Judge Fouad Al-Yafi in the Court of Appeal in Damascus

He has three children: Mohamed Nihad, Mohamed Nazhat, and Ahmad Adnan

Fouad Al Yafi in his youth as an officer of the Ottoman army in 1916

The decision of the President of the State of Syria, Ahmed Nami, to appoint Judge Fouad Al-Yafi as President of the Commercial Court in Damascus in 1924